
Putin acknowledges that the Moscow attack was the work of “radical Islamists” but continues to link Ukraine with the attack

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has admitted that last Friday’s attack in a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow was the work of radical Islamists, but he has advocated for investigate “who benefits” of the attack that already shows a toll of at least 139 dead.

“We know that the crime was committed by the hands of radical Islamists, with the ideology that the Islamic world itself has been fighting for centuries,” Putin said during a press conference on the measures adopted by the Russian authorities after the attempt.

Continues linking Ukraine to the attack

However, the Russian president has insisted with his theory that Ukrainian authorities may be linked to the attack and has demanded that investigations advance to clarify “who benefits” from the event. “We are interested in knowing who the client is,” she said, according to the Interfax agency.

“One thing is absolutely clear: the terrible crime committed on March 22 in the capital of Russia is an act of intimidation. The question arises immediately. “Who benefits from this?” Putin said, linking what happened to those who have confronted Russia “at the hands of the neo-Nazi regime in kyiv since 2014.”

“The Nazis, as is well known, They have never disdained the dirtiest and most inhumane means to achieve their goals.. Especially today, when their announced counteroffensive has completely failed,” added the Russian president, who believes that the perpetrators of the attack sought to sow chaos in the country and, however, have seen “unity and determination to resist this evil.”

The dead in the massacre rise to 139

The director of the Russian Investigative Committee (FSB), Alexander Bastrikin, participated in the meeting with Putin and reported that There are already 139 dead from the attack last Friday against the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk, on the outskirts of Moscow.

Chronology of the attack

Bastrikin explained that the succession of events has already been reconstructed. The four attackers arrived at the concert hall at 7:58 p.m. and left the building at 8:11 p.m.according to Russian television Vesti.

Furthermore, Bastrikin has revealed that the suspects were wearing two AK-47 assault rifles when they were arrested, in addition to 28 magazines and 500 rounds of ammunition, as well as gasoline drums that were used to set fire to the concert venue.

Within the framework of this research, more than 200 searches and seizures of objects related to the case, added Bastrikin, who indicated that they are investigating whether the security measures at Crocus City Hall complied with regulations.

As for the suspects, All of the detainees have already confessed their involvement.. This same Monday, three of the detainees were sentenced to provisional arrest for terrorism, adding to the four who already appeared before a Moscow court on Sunday. Bastrikin explained that “they helped prepare the terrorist attack: they provided accommodation (to the perpetrators) in the apartment where they lived, a car to get around and transported money.”

The suspects presented this Monday before the Basmani court are Aminchon and Dilovar Islomov, brothers, and Ismoil Islomov, their father. Dilovar Islomov sHe was the owner of the white Renault car in which the four suspects were detained when they were heading towards the border with Ukraine.

In total, eleven people were arrested for their involvement in this attack. The four presented in court on Sunday are Shamsidin Fariduni, Muhammadsobir Fayzov, Mirzoev Dalerjon Barotovich and Saidakrami Murodali Rachabalizoda.

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