
Prince William steps forward to replace King Charles III during his fight against cancer

While King Charles III faces his fight against cancer, the Crown Prince William has taken the reins of monarchical representation in the United Kingdom, where royalty tends to multiply their presence in all types of charitable and commemorative events.

In some ways, the timing couldn’t have been more inopportune: his wife, Kateis recovering from a mysterious abdominal surgery of which no details have been given and which will keep her out at least until the end of March.

Prince William caring for the Princess of Wales and her three children

Guillermo had given up his public agenda since that operation, on January 16, to remain in charge of the Wale’s princess and his three children, Jorge, Carlota and Luis.

But the absence of his father, who since he ascended the throne in 2022 has lavished himself on events throughout the country, has forced his eldest son, 41 years old, to assume an unexpected role.

First appearance of Prince William

Guillermo’s first appearance was this Wednesday morning, when he presided over a call investiture ceremonyin which outstanding personalities are awarded the Order of the British Empire.

Photos of the event showed a relaxed and smiling prince, chatting amicably with the winners, such as international soccer player Ellen White, who conveyed her best wishes for his father’s recovery.

Later, during the night, the prince plans to participate in a gala dinner organized by the NGO London Air Ambulancewho sponsors.

Although the representative tasks of the monarch will be distributed among the eleven ‘active members‘ of the Royal House, the main role is expected to fall to William, who enjoys high levels of popular approval.

Along with him, Princess Anne, the only sister of Charles III, will foreseeably maintain the ubiquity that already characterized her in 2023: she surpassed, according to a count of the ‘Daily Telegraph‘, to the king himself in number of public commitments, with 457, compared to his brother’s 425.

A telephone hearing and a fleeting visit

After spreading the diagnosis of an unspecified type of cancer (which is only known to be non-prostate), the Buckingham Palace He clarified this Monday that the king will continue the weekly audiences with the prime minister, Rishi Sunak.

However, at the same time he specified that it would be the doctors who will have the final say on the format of these meetings if interpersonal contact is to be minimized.

Although Downing Street He does not normally comment on the details of these hearings, but this Wednesday he made an exception by informing the media that an agreement was reached with Buckingham “about this specific matter” and that the two would talk by phone.

Sunak reiterated in the control session Government in the House of Commons (Lower) his wish for the monarch to have a speedy recovery and to be able to resume his public agenda as soon as possible.

Carlos III went yesterday, Tuesday, to his country residence in Sandringham (eastern England) from London after having started treatment against the disease on Monday.

Before leaving the British capital he had a brief meeting with his youngest son, Prince Henry, from whom he has distanced himself in recent years and who stopped being a operational member of the royal family in 2020.

Guillermo did not meet Harry because “it was not a reconciliation visit”

After having made an 11-hour flight on Tuesday from California (USA), where he resides with his wife, Meghanand his two children, Enrique He saw his father and headed home again today, according to British media that photographed the Duke of Sussex at Heathrow airport.

The estrangement of Enrique and his older brother, Guillermo, was once again in evidence after he ruled out a meeting considering that “it was not a reconciliation visit,” according to sources close to him.

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