
Pope Francis still has “lung inflammation” although he no longer has a fever

The Vatican updated this Wednesday the medical report of Pope Francis. As reported by the Press Office of the Holy See, the pontiff continues stable although the “lung inflammation associated with the difficulty breathing” persists.

Furthermore, they have explained that the fever has subsidedalthough he will continue with the treatment of antibiotics. However, this condition has not prevented Pope Francis from being at the traditional Wednesday audience.

I still don’t feel well

Although due to the cold wind, the audience has been moved from St. Peter’s Square to the Courtroom from the Vatican. “I still don’t feel well“, confessed the holy father.

In addition, he explained to the attendees that he still has the flu. “my voice is not good“, he commented.

The pontiff spoke after the official of the Secretary of State Filippo Ciampanelli, read throughout the hearing both the catechesis like greetings in different languages.

You have canceled your trip for CO28

Because of this condition, Pope Francis has had to cancel your planned trip to Dubai which was scheduled between Friday, December 1st and Sunday, December 3rd. The holy father was going to participate in COP28although due to medical recommendation you will not be able to attend.

Please continue to pray for the serious situation in Israel and Palestine

After his catechesis, the Pope asked for the extension of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. “Please continue to pray for the serious situation in Israel and Palestine. Peace please, peace! I hope that the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip continues so that all the hostages are released and access to essential humanitarian supplies”he pointed out.

He has also referred to the several hundred people who have sought refuge on the grounds of the only Catholic parish in the Gaza Strip. “I heard from the church there that there is no water or bread; people suffer. It is the common people, the townspeople, who suffer. It is not those who wage war who suffer“, has warned.

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