
Pope Francis describes what is happening in Israel and Palestine as “terrorism”

Pope Francis has received relatives of the hostages Israelis, kidnapped by the Islamic terrorist group Hamas, and relatives of Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli prisons. According to the pontiff, what is happening “It’s not a war, it’s terrorism“.

“Let’s not forget persevere in prayer for those who suffer because of wars in so many parts of the world, especially for the beloved people of Ukraine and Israel and Palestine“, declared the Pope at the end of the general audience that was held in St. Peter’s Square.

We have gone beyond wars

The pope has regretted that the families with whom he has gathered “they suffer a lot”, both Israelis and Palestinians. “Wars do this, but here we have gone beyond wars,” she commented.

For this reason, Francis I has made a new call to “move towards peace“and has asked the faithful to continue praying. “May the Lord help us solve the problems no longer continue with the passions that in the end kill everyone. Let us pray for the Palestinian people. Let us pray for him people of Israel so that peace comes“, he pointed out.

The Vatican had worked in recent days to facilitate the Pope’s meeting this Wednesday with the Israeli and Palestinian relatives.

Agreement between Israel and Hamas

The meeting comes after the Government of Israel and Hamas have reached an agreement to the release of 50 Israeli hostages who are in the Gaza Strip, in exchange for the release of Palestinian prisoners and one four day truce.

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