
Pope Francis calls for an end to the war in Gaza in his Christmas speech

Pope Francis called for the cessation of military operations in Gaza, the release of the hostages and for the Palestinian issue to be faced, inHis Christmas message that he read while leaning on the balcony of the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica before the ‘urbi et orbi’ blessing.

In this message, in which Pope Francis lists the world’s conflicts, he asked that peace “may come in Israel and Palestine, where war shakes the lives of those populations” and added: “I embrace both, in particular the Christian communities of Gaza, the parish of Gaza, and the entire Holy Land.”

The pope assured that he carries “in his heart the pain for the victims of the execrable attack of last October 7” although he did not mention the Islamists of Hamas and renewed his call “for the release of those still held hostage.”

He has also asked the leaders of the American continent to take care of “resolving inequalities” and confront “the painful phenomenon of migrations”, in the Christmas message read from the balcony of the façade of Saint Peter before the ‘utbi et orbi’ blessing.

“May the Son of God, who became a humble Child, inspire the political authorities and all people of good will on the American continent, to find suitable solutions that lead to overcoming social and political dissension,” Francis said in this message. in which he traditionally asks for peace for the different conflicts in the world.

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