
Nine injured, including two children, after being attacked with acid in south London

At least nine peoplebetween them a woman and her two small childrenhave been injured after suffering a ‘corrosive substance’ attack in south London.

The woman and the minors were transferred to hospital to be admitted, as well as three other people who apparently came to their aid, explained in a statement the London Metropolitan Policebetter known as Scotland Yard.

According to Detective Superintendent Alexander Castlethree police officers also had to be admitted to the hospital after arriving at the scene of the incident, in the neighborhood of Lambethalthough his wounds are of a mild nature.

Marina Ahmada member of the London Assembly, explained through his social networks that A man had thrown acid on the passengers of a car after an accident. The suspect fled the sceneaccording to the security forces, who have launched a search and capture operation against him to clarify their possible participation and the causes of the attack.

The air service is participating in the operation, for which citizen cooperation has also been requested. “Although tests are being done to determine what the substance is, at this time we believe it is a corrosive substance”Castle noted. The Police did not offer details about the condition of the injured.

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