
Nikki Haley defeats Trump in Washington and achieves her first victory in the Republican primaries

The Republican candidate, Nikki Haley, managed to defeat former President Donald Trump this Sunday in the Republican Party primary elections held in the federal district of Columbia, where the capital of the United States, Washington, is located. thus becoming his first victory against the magnate.

2,000 Republicans have voted

So, Haley has achieved 63% of the votes and 19 delegates compared to 33% for former President Donald Trump in an election in which only about 2,000 Republicans voted, as reported by the American news network NBC News.

According to experts, Columbia was Haley’s best option to win a primary due to the federal district’s large trend to support progressive candidates in the presidential elections, where a Republican candidate has never won.

Haley, who until now had lost against Trump in the previous votes, had defended her permanence in the electoral race because “only a handful of states have been seen voting.”

Despite his defeat, The former president is getting closer to achieving the Republican nomination, It is the favorite in the majority of states, although ‘Super Tuesday’ on March 5 will be key, when 800 delegates are decided in 16 states. The goal is to reach 1,215 delegates to mathematically secure the nomination. At the moment, Trump has 247 compared to Haley’s 43.

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