
NGOs around the world call to stop arms transfers to Israel and Hamas

A total of 16 humanitarian and human rights organizations demand in unison the end of transfers of weapons, spare parts and ammunition to Israel and Palestinian armed groups such as Hamas, to avoid a greater humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip and stop the loss of civilian life.

Among them, Amnesty International, Oxfam, Doctors of the World or Save the Children, call on all United Nations member states to stop fueling the crisis in Gaza and to pressure the government of Benjamin Netanyahu for an immediate ceasefire and permanent. Vicente Raimundo, director of international cooperation and humanitarian aid at Save the Children, says “enough is enough.”

“Let’s stop lamenting this humanitarian crisis.” “There is a risk that these weapons that are being transferred to the area will be used to commit very serious violations of international humanitarian law”says Vicente Raimundo. And he adds that “in the absence of a definitive ceasefire and in the absence of allowing NGOs to work for the end of hostilities, this is one of the few measures that remain on the table.” Because “Gaza has become the most dangerous place in the world to be a boy or girl. Also to be a journalist or humanitarian worker. “Schools have become a battlefield,” he laments.

These humanitarian organizations – among which are Save the Children, Amnesty International, Oxfam, Doctors of the World and Plan International – denounce thatThe Israeli bombings have destroyed many homes, schools, hospitals, water infrastructure and refugee camps. and warn of an increased risk of heinous crimes being committed.

The balance after almost 4 months of war in Gaza is more than 25,000 Palestinians (at least 10 thousand children) dead and more than 62,000 injured. More than 85% of the population has been forced to leave their homes and 9 out of 10 Palestinians – according to the UN – cannot eat daily.

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