
Netanyahu tells Biden that he is open to extending the truce with Hamas beyond Monday

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuhas transferred to the American president, Joe BidenThat is willing to extend the truce agreed with him Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) beyond the initial four days, which end this Monday.

“For every more day, another ten hostages”Netanyahu pointed out in a telephone conversation with Biden in which he warned that in any case, once this pause ends, the Israeli ground military offensive on the Gaza Strip with all possible force.

Once the truce ends, “at the end of the agreement, We are going to return with all the power to achieve our goals: destroy Hamasmake sure that Gaza does not go back to what it was and, of course, free all our hostages.” “I am sure that we will succeed in this missionbecause we have no other option,” Netanyahu said in a recorded speech broadcast this Sunday night.

“We have brought home another group of hostages, children and women, and I am moved to the depths of my heart, the entire country is, to see the families reunited,” he stressed.

Netanyahu has explained that he has discussed this release with Biden, in particular the release of four-year-old Israeli-American Avigail Idan.

“How happy it is to see her with us, but on the other hand, “How sad that he returns to a reality in which he has no parents.”he noted in reference to the death of his parents in the Hamas attack on October 7.

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