
More than 100 dead and 760 injured in an Israeli attack on an aid distribution queue in Gaza

More than 100 people were killed and at least 760 injured this Thursday in an Israeli attack on the place where hundreds of Gazans They were awaiting the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza City, as reported by the Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas.

The media office of the Hamas-controlled Gaza government initially reported that the attack, on Al Rashid Street in southeastern Gaza City, had killed about 70 people, a figure that may continue to rise in the future. next hours.

The Israeli Army has just announced that it fired on a crowd that posed “a threat” during the food distribution, and that dozens were injured “in pushing and trampling” after surrounding the trucks with humanitarian aid and starting looting, according to a statement.

“The attack was premeditated and intentional, in the context of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the people of the Gaza Strip. The occupation army knew that these victims had come to this area to obtain food and aid, but it killed them in cold blood “, denounced the Gazan government in a statement.

Today it rose the number of people killed in the war in Gaza rises to more than 30,000initiated on October 7 following an attack against Israel perpetrated by Hamas terrorists, who killed 1,200 people and kidnapped more than 200.

Among the 30,000 deaths are the 81 registered in the last 24 hours, but not the hundred people who lost their lives during the distribution of food, according to information from the authorities.

The news comes at a time when the international community is putting pressure on Israel to allow more humanitarian aid into the Strip.

This Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in his office in Jerusalem with the new UN coordinator for humanitarian aid and reconstruction in Gaza, Sigrid Kaag.

The Government of the Palestinian enclave also accused Israel today of wanting to “starve” Gazans and stated that more than 700,000 people are suffering from famine in the north of the Strip. The Gaza Health Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that 6 children have died in the last two days from malnutrition and dehydration in the north of the Strip.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also spoke last night about this issue with his American counterpart, Lloyd Austin.

On Wednesday, 116 trucks of humanitarian aid entered the Strip – 92 of them through the Kerem Shalom crossing, on the border with Israel, and 24 through the Rafah crossing, which connects with the Egyptian Sinai – an insufficient amount to meet the pressing needs of the enclave. , mired in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, and below the average of 300 trucks a day that entered before the war.

According to UNRWA, some 2,300 trucks have entered Gaza so far in February, 50% fewer than in January.

Given the difficulty of introducing humanitarian aid by land, several countries – including Jordan, Egypt, Qatar, France and the Arab Emirates – have dropped packages with food and supplies from the air, a strategy that yesterday benefited the inhabitants of the north of the country for the first time. enclave.

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