
Milei takes office as president: “Today a new era begins in Argentina”

The libertarian economist Javier Milei swore this Sunday “for God and for the country on these holy Gospels” as the new president of Argentina in the National Congress, in Buenos Aires.

Subsequently, he received the presidential sash and baton from the outgoing president, Alberto Fernández, who shook his hand and said a few brief words, after which he left the premises.

After Milei’s oath, the elected vice president, Victoria Villarruel, did the same, at which time Cristina Fernández left the Legislative Assembly in the hands of her successor.

“It is a moment that will remain forever in our hearts and we want to thank you for this gesture of joining us from all the countries in the world and all the provinces,” said lawyer Villarruel, who will be in charge of the Upper House for the period 2023-2027 to consider closed a session that lasted no more than ten minutes.

Before the oath, both had to sign the Book of Illustrious Visitors. The striking thing was that, in addition to each person’s signature, Milei wrote her famous motto, “Long live freedom, damn it,” and Villarruel added: “Everything for Argentina.”

Inside the Congress was the large delegation of international representatives invited to the ceremony.

King Felipe VI of Spain, who arrived this Saturday, sat next to the presidents of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, and Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou.

The former presidents of Argentina Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) and of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2023) could also be seen in another space for guests.

In one of the special boxes were Milei’s girlfriend, the actress and comedian Fátima Flórez, along with the parents of the new president of Argentina.

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