
Javier Milei’s party has presented a bill to make abortion illegal in Argentina

The party led by the Argentine president, Javier Milei, La Libertad Avanza (far-right) has presented a bill to repeal the legalization of abortion in Argentina, whose rule, which allows the voluntary interruption of pregnancy in the first 14 weeks of gestation, It came into force just three years ago.

More restrictive law than in 1921

This bill, delivered two days ago, calls for the repeal of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law (IVE) and to roll back the articles of the Penal Code that said law modified. In addition, penalizes women in most cases and intends for the Argentine Penal Code to be more restrictive than in 1921 by eliminating the causes of health risk and violation.

The proposal calls for penalizing again anyone who performs an abortion at any stage of pregnancyas well as reinstating the “special disqualification” for health workers who “abuse their science or art to cause abortion or cooperate in causing it.”

It also seeks to criminalize the practice of abortion with the woman’s consent, stating that in addition “the woman’s attempt is not punishable” and that the judge “may order that the woman be exempted from the penalty based on the reasons that prompted her.” to commit the crime.”

The legalization and decriminalization of abortion in Argentina was achieved during the mandate of Milei’s predecessor, Alberto Fernández, after years of struggle by feminist organizations, which highlighted that the entry into force represented “a triumph of the collective struggle” and They expected it to be enforced throughout the country, since until then interruptions in cases of rape or those that endangered a woman’s health were legal.

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