
Javier Milei raffles off his last salary as a deputy on Instagram

The president of Argentina, Javier Mileihas drawn this Friday its last salary as a deputy through instagramsomething that has become a common trend in recent years and has served to skyrocket its popularity among younger audiences with fewer resources.

“My top priority is to end hyperinflation”explained the Argentine leader through a live broadcast on the aforementioned social network, where he calculated that inflation “travel at 1% daily” and that at the current rate could grow by 3,678% per year.

The leader of Freedom Advances He has also praised the first economic measures carried out by his government just a few days after taking office. Among them stands out a strong devaluation of the official exchange rate of the Argentine pesopromoted by the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo.

“We did a hyper-orthodox program with a strong fiscal adjustment to bring the financial deficit to zero,” said Milei, who mentioned some data after Caputo’s announcements such as the reduction of the exchange gap between the official dollar and that of the informal market (‘blue’), lowering the risk of the Argentine country and motivate the purchase of dollars by the Central Bank.

The president acknowledged that the announced measures represent a strong effort for the private sectorbut he said that all these difficulties are “transient”. “From here on, once we rearrange the economy, “We are going to start eliminating all those things that libertarians don’t like.”concluded the Argentine president before shouting once again his well-known motto, “Long live freedom, damn it!”

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