
Israel and Hamas accuse each other of violating temporary truce in Gaza

The Israeli Army and the Islamist group Hamas accused each other of having violated the truce in force in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday after an incident in the north of the enclave in which several Israeli soldiers were injured.

“During the last hour, three explosive devices were detonated alongside Israeli Defense Forces troops in two different locations in the northern Gaza Strip, violating the framework of the operational pause. At one of the locations, the terrorists also opened fire on the troops, who responded with fire. “Several soldiers were slightly injured in the incidents,” the Israeli military spokesperson reported.

For their part, the Al Qasam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, denounced “a clear violation of the truce” on the part of Israel during an episode of “friction on the ground”, although they clarified that they are “committed to the truce as long as the enemy maintains its commitment.”

“We call on the mediators to pressure the occupation (Israel) to adhere to all the terms of the truce, both on the ground and in the air,” said Brigade spokesman Abu Obeida, who acknowledged, however, that The group’s fighters “responded today to the violation” of the agreement by Israeli troops.

The truce is extended for two more days

These episodes arrive in the fifth day of a temporary ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, after more than a month and a half of fighting.

The agreement, mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States and which includes an exchange of hostages for prisoners and the entry of humanitarian aid to Gazawent into effect Friday morning and was scheduled to last four days.

Yesterday, shortly before it expired, Qatar announced a two-day extension, during which the three elements of the pact are maintained.

This Tuesday The release of captive hostages in Gaza is scheduled to continue and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, something that has already taken place during the last four days, in which 69 Israeli and foreign hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners were released.

Israel declared war on Hamas on October 7 following an attack by the Islamist group, which included the launching of more than 4,000 rockets and the infiltration of some 3,000 militiamenwhich killed around 1,200 people and kidnapped more than 240 in Israeli communities near the Gaza Strip.

Israel’s air, naval and ground forces have since counterattacked in the Palestinian enclave, where more than 15,000 people have died, according to Palestinian authorities. mostly children and womenand it is estimated that more than 7,000 people are missing under the rubble, in addition to more than 36,000 injured.

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