
Democrats and Republicans reach an agreement to avoid the “shutdown” of the Administration in the US

Senators from the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have reached an agreement on the spending ceiling for the remainder of 2024, thereby avoiding the risk of a possible “shutdown” of the Administration.

Johnson has explained to members of his party that the spending ceiling for 2024 will be 1.65 trillion dollars, of which 886,000 million are already in projects approved in December within the Defense Spending Act, which is why it is approved that non-Defense spending is 772.7 billion, according to the joint statement of the two parties.

US President Joe Biden has highlighted that this agreement “brings us one step closer to avoiding an unnecessary ‘shutdown’ of the Government and protecting important national priorities.”

Biden has highlighted that this pact “rejects deep cuts in programs that hard-working families rely on” and opens the way for annual accounts “free of any extremist policies.”

The tenant of the White House has thanked Schumer and Jeffries for their leadership in achieving this agreement and has urged Republican congressmen to “do their job” and “stop threatening closure.”

For his part, the spokesperson for the Democratic Party in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, has published a joint statement with the Democratic spokesperson in the House of Representatives, Hakeem Jeffries, very much in line with Biden’s position in which they highlight that the agreement It means not including “poison pills” in the budget laws.

The agreement does not completely eliminate the risk of “closure” of the Administration for this month, but it is a key step to avoid it before the deadlines of January 19 and February 2.

Fundamental will be the Democratic willingness to reach an agreement in the face of the conservatives’ demand to take advantage of the spending law to force the imposition of more restrictions on the country’s southern border against immigration.

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