
Biden calls on Trump to work together on the immigration bill: “It is time to act”

The president of United States, Joe Bidenhas invited the former president donald trump to work together on an immigration bill, within the framework of the visit of both during this Thursday to the southern US border, in the state of Texas, due to the dispute between Democrats and Republicans over immigration control.

Biden has appealed to Trump asking him to join him in encourage the US Congress to pass the bill that failed after the former president’s allies took a stand against it. “It is time to act,” he declared, adding that border control “desperately” needs more resources.

“This is what I would say to Trump: Instead of playing politics join me or I join you (…) You and I know that it is the strictest, most efficient and effective border security bill this country has ever seen. So instead of playing politics with the issue, Why don’t we just get together and get it done?“he questioned in a briefing with border officials.

Likewise, he took advantage of the occasion to promote the project, which he described as “victory for the American people” and a “truly bipartisan initiative”. For this reason, he has considered that Republicans should “show a little courage.”

“Our bipartisan border security agreement would make our nation would be safer, secure our border, and treat people humanely while preserving legal migration.“, he stated, indicating that “the Republicans asked for border measures” and that the Government has “delivered” them.

Trump’s criticism of Biden

For its part, trumpwho has been with the governor of Texas, the Republican Greg Abbotthas criticized the central Administration and its border policies, describing the migration crisis as a “invasion (caused by) Joe Biden” and a “cruel violation” of the country.

Trump has tried Linking crime in the United States to recent increases in migration rates, when mentioning the case of Laken Riley, a 22-year-old girl whose alleged murderer is an undocumented migrant from Venezuela. “These are the people who come to our country, they come from jails, prisons, mental institutions, asylums and they are terrorists. They are being brought to our country. And it is horrible,” she declared.

Biden and Trump, pre-candidates for the Presidency of the United States for the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively, have visited Texas as part of a pre-campaign in which migration will once again be one of the star topics. Trump has repeatedly promised a mass deportation of undocumented migrants if he wins the election. Meanwhile, Biden is keen to remember that he launched the immigration proposal during his first day in office.

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