
Biden and Netanyahu admit “differences” on the conflict and the future of the Gaza Strip

The president of United States, Joe Bidensaid this Tuesday that Israel is losing support due to the bombings of the Gaza Strip and said that the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahuyou should change your Government.

“They are starting to lose support”said the Democratic leader at a private event in Washington to raise funds for his re-election campaign in next year’s presidential elections.

Biden criticized that the current Executive is the “most conservative in the history of Israel” and regretted that “does not want a two-state solution.”

For this reason, the American president considered that Netanyahu should “change” his government to find a long-term solution to the conflict with the Palestinians, according to CNN.

The United States was the only member of the United Nations Security Council that voted last week against a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza wara measure that did not go ahead due to the veto power that Washington has in the organization.

Joe Biden’s Administration has shown from the beginning its unwavering support for Israel to eliminate Hamas and he opposes a ceasefire because he believes that it would be used by the Palestinian Islamist group to rearm and attack the Jewish State again.

But as civilian casualties from Gaza bombings have risenWashington has increased its pressure on the Netanyahu government to try to minimize the deaths of innocent Palestinians.

Biden also opposes Israel occupying the Gaza Strip after the war and is betting that the Palestinian National Authority, which currently runs parts of the occupied West Bank, will also assume government of the enclave.

Netanyahu acknowledges differences over future of conflict

Netanyahu himself acknowledged this Tuesday that He has differences with his main ally about the future of the Strip once the conflict is over.

The war broke out on October 7 after a Hamas attack against Israeli territory that included the launching of thousands of rockets and the infiltration of some 3,000 militiamen who massacred some 1,200 people and kidnapped another 250 in Israeli towns near the Strip.

Since then, Israel has attacked the Palestinian enclave with force by air, land and sea, where there are already more than 18,200 dead, some 50,000 injured and 1.8 million displacedin the midst of a serious humanitarian crisis.

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