
Biden accuses Putin of wanting to “annihilate” Ukraine after the wave of Russian bombings

It’s a statement, Biden He called the recent Russian airstrikes a “stark reminder” that the purpose of Putin In this war it has not changed.

Putin “tries to annihilate Ukraine and subjugate its people. must be stopped“said the American president.

According to Ukrainethe attack in the last 24 hours with almost 160 missiles and drones, was the largest since the start of the war, in February 2022.

The bombings They affected several towns throughout Ukraine and left at least 22 civilians dead and 130 injured.

Congress must act without further delay

Ukraine managed to stop a large part of the missiles and drones Russians thanks to the air defense systems delivered in the last year by the United States and other Western countries.

However, Biden warned in his statement that USA will not be able to continue sending this type of assistance to Ukraine unless the US Congress acts.”urgently” next year and approve a new package of more than $60 billion in military aid to Kyiv.

“Congress must act without further delay,” said Biden, who has faced opposition in recent weeks from much of the Republicans in the US House of Representatives to approving more aid to Ukraine.

The Russian bombings caused damage in residential areas of Ukraine, a maternity hospital, schools, kindergartens, parks, a metro station, a shopping center and energy infrastructure, causing power outages in various parts of the country.

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