
A Spanish pilot dies after crashing his plane while extinguishing a fire in Chile

The Spanish pilot Fernando Solans has died while participating in the work of extinguishing a fire in Talca, in central Chile, as reported by the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF).

Solans, who lived in Seville as confirmed by sources from the Government Subdelegation to Europa Press, although he was originally from Valencia according to the head of the Chilean entity, He was piloting a Turbo Trush aircraft operated by the company Air Andes SPA, and which was participating in fire control efforts.

Diplomatic sources have informed Europa Press that the Consulate General is already in contact with the family of the deceased and the relevant administrative procedures have already been initiated to proceed with the repatriation of the body. In the accident, in addition to the death of the Spanish pilot, three people were also injured, said CONAF, an entity dependent on the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture.

As reported by local media, apparently the pilot lost control of the device after reaching the power lines while It was flying at a low altitude and hit the ground on a road, partially colliding with another vehicle.

Prosecutor Loreto Escobar, who appeared at the scene after the incident, stated that the three injured were not serious and that work was already underway to gather evidence and witnesses to the events were being sought to try to clarify what happened.

In statements reported by the newspaper ‘La Tercera’, the director of CONAF, Christian Little, did not want to speculate on the causes of the accident while waiting for the investigation to be carried out. “It may have been a failure of the plane itself, because the pilot had a lot of experience,” he said, highlighting that Solans “was chief pilot” in Spain.

The CONAF, which has also conveyed its condolences to the family of the deceased, has highlighted that Solans “becomes part of the legacy of martyrs who have given their lives to safeguard the heritage of our country, and thus protect the lives of its inhabitants.” “.

Likewise, he has indicated that is already working “actively” together with the authorities to investigate the accidentwhile ensuring that “and will provide all the background information available, in order to help clarify the causes and circumstances under which this unfortunate event occurred.”

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