
German police shoot dead a man who threatened officers with two knives in a Rhineland village

German police shoot dead a man who threatened officers with two knives in a Rhineland village

German police shot dead a 26-year-old man in Moers, the largest city in the Wesel district of North Rhine-Westphalia, on Tuesday after threatened and physically assaulted several passersbyAccording to authorities, the young man “He allegedly attacked the police with two knives in his hands” before officers opened fire, killing him. No one else was injured in the incident.

The Kleve prosecutor’s office and the Duisburg police headquarters are already investigating the causes of the incident. The only information available indicates that the attacker was a man of German nationality 26 years old.

The events took place just four days after the attack in the town of Solingen, in which Three people died and eight others were injured.The suspected perpetrator, a 26-year-old Syrian, turned himself in on Saturday and was arrested. The Federal Attorney General is investigating on suspicion of terrorism. The man is believed to have acted as a member of the Islamic State (IS). Daesh has claimed responsibility.

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