
The European Commission urges to strengthen the war economy: “The risk of war is not imminent, but it is not impossible”

In recent weeks, the main leaders of the European Union They are experiencing a change in their discourse regarding the Union’s involvement in the Ukrainian War: the Commission today materialized concerns about Europe’s security against Russia that figures such as Emmanuel Macron and Margarita have already raised. Faced with a possible escalation of war, the European Union seems to want to respond with the preparation of the first European Industrial Defense Strategy, reinforcing the arms autonomy of the continent facing a possible electoral victory of Donald Trump in the United States,

“In the field of defense, we have to change the paradigm and move to war economy mode,” the Internal Market Commissioner declared to the press, Thierry Breton, who has called on European arms manufacturers: in the Commissioner’s opinion, the industry “it must take more risks, with our support giving it greater visibility.”

“In the current geopolitical context, Europe must take greater responsibility for its own security, regardless of the outcome of our allies’ elections every four years,” Breton declared, in relation to the possibility of Donald Trump’s return to the White House, which he has already expressed his intention to remove the United States from the conflict between Moscow and kyiv.

Greater investment in Defense

To achieve this autonomy in defense, Breton has stated that the countries of the Union They should all invest 100,000 million euros in the next twelve monthswith the commitment to invest 2% of European GDP in Defense. Within the framework of this new strategy that the EU wants to promote, the Commission has announced the creation of a Law to Support Ammunition Production and a European Defense Industrial Reinforcement Law, both valid until 2025 with the possibility of being extended further in time.

The Commission’s intention is to expedite the purchase of weapons, modifying the acquisition procedure so that it is similar to that in force in the United States. From Brussels, we want to avoid that a sudden spike in demand leaves the Union short of weapons: The Commission advocates preparing a catalog of equipment and a Defense industrial reserve, as well as having Defense infrastructure prepared for any scenario.

The idea of ​​establishing a common fund for the acquisition of weapons is also being raised, similar to that proposed to buy vaccines during the pandemic or to acquire natural gas and reduce energy dependence on Russia.

Prepare for the risks of war

“We must not exaggerate the risks of war, but we must prepare for them,” President Ursula Von der Leyen declared in the European Parliament, adding that “the risk of war is not imminent, but it is not impossible.” Breton has stated that it is “not very viable” to appoint a Defense Commissioner, since it would require “modifying the Treaties.” Úrsula Von der Leyen, in this regard, has declared: “If the question is that of a commissioner of the Defense Industry, I think we already have one.”

More support for Ukraine

Von der Leyen has also put on the table the possibility of using frozen funds from Russian businessmen to provide supplies to Ukraine. As EFE explains, Ukraine would be treated as a member of the European Union regarding the production and sale of weapons; For example, Von der Leyen has announced the creation of an innovation office in kyiv that “will bring Ukraine even closer to Europe.”

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