
The Biden Government sues Apple for creating a monopoly in the telephone market

The US Government has sued Apple alleging that it has created a monopoly in the market smartphones with your iPhone. This complaint, which has been filed in federal court in New Jersey, is part of the first anti-hoarding attempt against the technology giant by the Biden Administration.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement that “consumers They shouldn’t have to pay higher prices because companies violate antitrust laws.” In addition, he added that if the situation does not change, Apple “will continue to strengthen its monopoly on smartphones.”

The Department of Justice along with 16 state attorneys general accuse the multinational of restrict access to technology that it uses for its phones which causes costs to increase for customers and prevents its rivals from launching other smartphones. The Administration maintains that Apple has used its control over the iPhone to “engage in a type of illegal conduct, in a broad and sustained manner“.

Another point that is included in the complaint is that it prevents the development of the “super apps” that would allow consumers change phones more quickly. They also accuse Apple of blocking the growth of streaming applications that would allow users to enjoy high-quality videos without having to pay for more cloud space.

He case is directed against the “digital fortress” created by the technology company with its iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch, so that customers depend on these devices and are compatible with other competing products.

Apple accuses the US of “overreaching”

Apple has denied the accusations and accuses the Government of Joe Biden of having exceeded its limits in its accusations, as reported in a statement by local media. He criticizes that this lawsuit threatens who they are and “the principles that differentiate Apple products in intensely competitive markets.”

Is not the first technology giant against which the Biden Government has launched an offensive. The Department of Justice has already sued Google for monopolizing digital advertising services. The Federal Trade Commission, for its part, has a pending case against Meta and Amazon.

Apple is one of the most powerful companies in the world with annual revenues that ranges from 400,000 million dollarsFurthermore, until recently, its market value was more than three billion dollars.

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