
New controversy over the case of Kate Middleton: why they now doubt the video in which she appears shopping

The British newspaper ‘The Sun’ published this Monday exclusively some images of the princess of wales in the company of her husband Prince William, doing some shopping in London.

In the video, Kate Middleton appears “relaxed and healthy”carrying some bags outside a farm shop a mile from his residence in Adelaide Cottage.

These are the first, supposedly current, images of the princes of Wales together in months. Furthermore, it is the first time we see Kate since the “abdominal surgery” she underwent in January and which removed her from public life.

During these months, given the lack of official information and graphic material, Speculation has soared about the health of the Princess of Wales and a possible crisis in the couple. It has even been said that Prince William has a mistress and that Kate suffers from depression. Even that the princess would have died after the operation and the British Royal House wants to hide it. Conspiracy theories that the latest video of the marriage has not only not settled, but has fueled them.

As expected, the video of the couple “caught” doing some shopping has generated great expectation and every detail of the images has been analyzed with a magnifying glass.

The details of the video that raise suspicions

After seeing the images of the princes of Wales, many users on the Internet are denouncing that they are a ‘fake’ news and that the woman who appears in the video is not Kate Middleton.

One of the details that does not add up is that if the Princess of Wales is recovering from a surgical operation; How can he carry the bags so easily? Additionally, many users have noticed that there are Christmas decorations in the cabins that appear in the video, which could indicate that the images are not current.

Another point that raises suspicions is the physical appearance of the woman in the video. The networks point out that He’s not the same height as Kate.their facial features are different and the way they walk also does not match that of the Princess of Wales.

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