
Navalny died days before being exchanged for another Chechen prisoner

The Russian opponent Alexei Navalny He was “days” away from being released under an agreement in principle that, according to the deceased politician’s entourage, was already in the “final phase” but was met with the president’s frontal rejection. Vladimir Putinwho thus renounced who should have been a bargaining chip to recover agent Vadim Krasikov, detained in Germany.

An ally of Navalny, Maria Pevchijhas assured on the opponent’s YouTube channel that All that was left was Putin’s approval to close an exchange which had been working on for two years. He has explained that since the offensive in Ukraine began, the goal was to get Navalny out of prison, fearing that his situation would worsen.

Finally, ended up in a remote Arctic prison, “hidden from the world” and subjected to “torture”denounced Pevchij, who has shared a story with which he calls to understand not only why “Putin killed Navalni”, but also the reasons that led to his death on February 16.

“Navalni was supposed to be released in the coming days because we had made a decision about their exchange“, he said, explaining that at the beginning of the month an offer was presented to Putin and that on the afternoon of February 15 everything was already in “a final phase.”

Then, the Russian president would have been told that “the only way” to get Krasikov to return to Russia would be to hand over Navalni, so according to Pevchij he chose to make the person who should be a bargaining chip disappear. “It’s the behavior of a crazy mafia boss”he has sentenced.

Roman Abramovich, “informal” intermediary between Putin and authorities

Pevchij’s story gives an account of an objective that at first seemed “impossible” but that was finally achieved as a “humanitarian exchange”, to the extent that since he was a Russian citizen, no other country had any “obligation” to come to his aid: “Russian spies in exchange for political prisoners.”

During this time, there were people from other countries who risked their lives and careers in “unofficial negotiations” with the Kremlin, while the tycoon Roman Abramovich He served as an “informal negotiator” as a liaison channel between Putin and European and American authorities.

Pevchij has explained that there are examples that demonstrate the veracity of this story and has cited, among others, the publications that appeared in the press about an alleged exchange involving Krasikov or that Putin mentioned his name in a recent interview with the journalist Tucker Carlson.

Everything, however, was in vain and Navalny lost his life in circumstances that have not yet been clarified. The advisor has assured that Putin ended up giving the order because “Navalni was a true politician”, followed by “millions” of people and with the ability to mobilize: “Navalni was everything that Putin could never be and Putin hated him for that.”

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