
How to Choose the Perfect Cream: Key Ingredients

How to Choose the Perfect Cream: Key Ingredients

Why Vaseline in Creams May Not Be Useful for Dry Skin


25.08.2024 02:44

When choosing cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the products, as this affects their effectiveness and safety. One of the key moisturizing components that should be indicated on the label is deionized water.

This ingredient is purified from impurities and provides high-quality hydration. Creams with shea and avocado oils are recommended for skin nutrition and restoration.

Avocado oil is rich in oleic acid, which helps moisturize and repair damaged skin, while shea butter, known as “women’s gold,” promotes rejuvenation through cell regeneration.

Grape seed extract is also a valuable component that protects the skin from adverse weather conditions. In budget products, it is often replaced by Vaseline, which only creates a film on the skin, without solving the problem of dryness and not allowing the skin to breathe.

Another common ingredient is glycerin, which only imitates moisturizing without addressing the underlying problem of dry and damaged skin. For effective moisturizing and care, it is better to choose products with niacinamide, which retains moisture and stimulates collagen production.


Leather (Latin cutis; ancient Greek δέρμα [ˈdɛrmə]) — the outer covering of the body of animals (including humans) — an organ. In biology, the outer covering of vertebrates. == References == Afanasyev Yu.I., Yurina N.A., Kotovsky E.F. et al. Chapter 19. Skin and its derivatives // Histology, cytology and embryology / Ed. by Yu.I. Afanasyev, N.A. Yurina. — Moscow: Medicine, 2002. — Pp. 637–656. — 744 p. — ISBN 5-225-04523-5. Bykov V.L. Chapter 14. Nerve tissue // Cytology and general histology. — St. Petersburg: Sotis, 2000. — Pp. 453–486. — 520 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 5-85503-080-6. Bykov V.L. Chapter 4. Skin and its derivatives // Private human histology. — SPb.: Sotis, 2001. — Pp. 56—70. — 304 p. — 3000 copies. — ISBN 5-85503-116-0.

Cream (from fr. crème — cream) — a dosage form in the form of an emulsion, a type of ointment. Cosmetics for the care of the skin of the face or other parts of the body (arms, legs) are often produced in the form of creams. Creams differ from gels in their oil content and (usually) opacity. == Literature == General pharmacopoeial article “Ointments” — State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XIII edition. Cream in cosmetics // Brief Encyclopedia of Housekeeping. — M .: State Scientific Publishing House “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1959. Cosmetic creams // Commodity Dictionary / I. A. Pugachev (editor-in-chief). — M .: State Publishing House of Trade Literature, 1958. — Vol. IV. — Columns 499-504.


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