
The Open Arms arrives on the coast of Gaza loaded with 200 tons of food

The NGO of chef José Andrés plays a fundamental role in the landing. World Central Kitchen’s local partners are working on the ground, They have cooked more than 2 million meals and they are the ones who will be in charge of disembarking humanitarian aid and its subsequent distribution among the Gazan civilian population.

What will the Open Arms landing in Gaza be like?

The cargo will be unloaded in a very delicate operation through that 35 meter long breakwater, built by local collaborators of the NGO of chef José Andrés (WCK) based on rubble from the destroyed buildings in Gazto.

Laura Lanuza, head of Communication at Open Arms, recognizes that the 200 tons of rice, flour and cans they transport It is only the first phase of a gigantic mission that seeks to alleviate hunger and the humanitarian crisis in the Strip.

“Open Arms is already very close to the coast of Gaza, we are following the protocols that an operation of this nature entails. And we hope that the disembarkation can be carried out as soon as possible,” says Lanuza.

The NGO World Central Kitchen also confirms that, in parallel, they are preparing a second shipment from the Cypriot port of Larnaca with another 400 tons of help.

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