
What awaits drivers who hide their numbers on toll roads

What awaits drivers who hide their numbers on toll roads

Violation on toll roads: covering up numbers and its consequences


25.08.2024 12:18

Those who regularly use toll roads have probably noticed so-called “hares” – drivers who cover their license plates completely to avoid paying for the ride. Previously, they limited themselves to only partially covering the symbols. The Quto publication explained what this is connected with and what punishment threatens drivers who completely cover their license plates.

Some toll roads are equipped with a barrier-free system, where cars simply drive under special frames, and payment is made via a transponder. If there is no transponder, the driver must go to the Avtodor portal, enter the number of his vehicle and pay for the trip. The barrier-free system helps reduce the risk of accidents and shorten the travel time.

But is it possible to avoid paying? Theoretically, yes, since the entrances are free and not equipped with barriers. This is the reason why drivers cover their license plates. Traffic police patrols on toll roads are rare, although preventive measures are taken. However, if such a car is noticed, the driver faces a fine of 500 rubles, as well as possible deprivation of rights for up to 3 months. In the future, the punishment may become even more severe. If the number is not completely covered, the system can still recognize the car, since telematic technologies are constantly improving.


Fine (from German die Strafe) — a legalized punishment for an offense. Usually in the form of a monetary penalty, usually in favor of the state, assigned for committing an offense. In the legislation of various states, along with the term “fine”, the term “monetary penalty” is also used. A fine as a type of punishment is inherent in several branches of law.

State Automobile Inspectorate The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is an independent structural subdivision of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ensures and carries out the functions of the Ministry in developing proposals for the formation and implementation of the main directions of state policy, normative legal regulation in the field of ensuring road safety. The Main Directorate performs the functions of the federal governing body of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, heading the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate system, and other functions in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the regional and local levels, directorates and departments of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate have been formed, which are part of the ministries, directorates, departments of internal affairs of territories, republics, regions, districts and other municipalities, and departmentally subordinate to the Main Directorate of Road Safety.


Author Danila Firsov

Danila Firsov is a freelance correspondent for Pravda.Ru

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