Unexpected and heartbreaking news shocked the set of ‘TardeAR’ this Monday. During the live broadcast, the program reported on the sudden death of Caritina Goyanes, daughter of Cari Lapique, at the age of 46. The impact was evident, sespecially Lolita Flores, who could not contain her pain when she heard the sad news in the middle of the program.
The announcement came as the show was discussing other topics. Ana Rosa Quintana interrupted the show to connect the editorial staff of ‘TardeAR’, who had breaking news that no one on the set knew about. “Ana Rosa, unfortunately we have just received information that Caritina Goyanes has passed away,” Ulzurrun announced, causing a visible start in the presenter and a murmur of astonishment on the set.
The editor continued, adding that this tragic news It came just weeks after the death of Carlos Goyanes, Caritina’s father, on August 8. “It is information that we are collecting and of which we have little data,” he added.
While Ulzurrun reported that Caritina Goyanes could have suffered a heart attack while sleeping, the cameras captured the moment when Lolita Flores stood up from her seat, visibly affected, trying to stay standing by leaning on the wall. The pain and shock were evident on his face.
“Lolita, Lolita, go away in peace,” he told her. Ana Rosa Quitana upon realizing the collaborator’s state was about to collapse. “Lolita, I’m sorry I gave you this information live,” The reporter apologized. Ana Rosa, visibly affected, approached to console her, assuring her: “Lolita, I didn’t know anything.”
Unable to assimilate the news, Lolita sat on the stairs of the set, deep in pain. Ana Rosa Quintana asked her co-producers to avoid focusing on Lolita at such a delicate moment. “Leave it, leave it, jump, jump,” she requested, giving Lolita time to process the news and contact her family.
The commotion on the set was palpable. “Lolita is obviously in shock,” commented Beatriz Archidona, meanwhile Ana Rosa Quintana tried to put into words the magnitude of the tragedy.
“This to me It has left me frozen because I have I was with Cari a few days ago. I met Cari, her sister Miriam and Carlos Goyanes at a flamenco show and the three of them were there, relaxed. Three days later I found out that Carlos had died of a heart attack. Then I saw Cari with Miriam at another friend’s house and she was devastated. This is terrible, your husband passing away, who had heart problems, but now your daughter, who had children… “This is destroying a family,” said Ana Rosa, reflecting the impact that the news had caused among her loved ones.