
Spain calls for impartial verification of election results in Venezuela

Spain has signed a joint declaration with USA and other countries to demand the Government of Nicolas Maduro to put an end to the violence and Release all those prisoners who have been detained“including representatives of the opposition,” in the context of the protests following the elections of July 28. In turn, they have reiterated the immediate publication of the electoral records The delay in the election “calls into question” the official results published, which give victory to Chavismo.

The signatory countries, meeting in Saint Dominic of Guzmanhave made a Call for “good sense and sanity in Venezuela” Well, as he stressed, it is a “crucial” moment for the country and the region, so “all social and political actors must exercise maximum restraint in their public actions.”

“Acceptance and respect for the dignity and integrity of all people are the essential principles on which coexistence between our nations is built,” they said.

In this regard, the joint declaration has claimed respect for democratic principles, as well as for the Human Rightsand fundamental freedoms of all Venezuelans and, in particular, has insisted “on the right to demonstrate peacefully and exercise freedom of expression.”

In this regard, Spain and the rest of the countries have expressed their concern about “the complaints of arbitrary detentions of Venezuelans without due process,” something that is alarming, for which they have asked for “their “immediate release.”

“We express our profound rejection of the repression of protesters and the violence that has cost the lives of many Venezuelans in the post-election context. We urgently call on the Venezuelan authorities to end the violence and release all those who have been detained, including representatives of the opposition,” they demanded.

In addition to Spain and the United States, they have also supported the declaration. Argentina, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Republic of Ecuador, Guatemala, Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Republic of Suriname, Uruguay and the European Union.

Independent verification

On the other hand, the signatory countries have requested that the “urgent return” to Venezuela of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights“We call on Venezuela to ensure that the conditions are adequate for him to fully fulfil his mandate,” they said.

They recalled that Venezuela, as a State party to the 1954 Caracas Convention on Diplomatic Asylum, must comply “with its provisions” and issue the safe-conduct passes “that allow the six asylum seekers who remain in the official residence of the Argentine Republic to safely withdraw from Venezuelan territory.”

On another point, the countries have succumbed to the preliminary report of the United Nations Panel of Experts on the presidential elections in Venezuela “which indicates that the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela has not yet submitted the electoral records that support the veracity of the results announced on August 2″.

Thus, they have also echoed the digital version of 80% of the digital records that give a victory to the opposition and “they give a result different from that published by the CNE.” “We take note,” they warned.

Finally, they have insisted on “the Immediate publication of all original minutesand the impartial and independent verification of those resultspreferably by one international entityto ensure respect for the will of the Venezuelan people expressed at the polls.” “Any delay in this happening calls into question the results officially published on August 2, 2024,” they advanced.

Finally, the countries in the declaration have appealed to the dialogue and understanding to resolve serious conflicts in the past. Today, more than ever, Venezuela must honor that legacy to restore peaceful coexistence, public security and political stability“, they indicated.

“The moment demands a broad, inclusive and good faith dialogue to facilitate a political agreement that fosters national reconciliation, peace, public security and democracy in Venezuela. We commit to supporting all efforts in this regard, always advocating for a genuinely Venezuelan solution in which democracy, justice, peace and security prevail,” the statement concluded.

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